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Mecklenburg Audubon Society
Charlotte, NC Metro Area
Birding is for Everyone and Every Body

In 2018 Mecklenburg Audubon Society (MAS) had the privilege of publishing an extraordinary book titled Birds of the Central Carolinas. This publication was a labor of love by Don Seriff who spent many years collecting historical data from various sources to determine the occurrence and frequency of bird species in central North and South Carolina. It is also a collaboration of a host of birders past and present who recorded the data over almost two centuries. As part of this project birders in the Mecklenburg County conducted a breeding bird survey. Although the breeding bird survey date was incorporated into this publication, a separate publication of only the survey is also available.
Although now five years old and the area has seen a number of new species such as Limpkin, Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, Allen’s Hummingbird, Brown Booby, Black-throated Gray Warbler, and more, the information in this book is invaluable as a history of birds and birding in the area. The text is easy to read and understand. The photos (many by local birders), illustrations and maps add to the accessibility of the information.
Birds of the Central Carolinas is no longer available in hard copy. However, the entire book is available in PDF form for anyone to download. Click on the links below to start exploring these valuable ornithological resources.