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Mecklenburg Audubon Society
Charlotte, NC Metro Area
Birding is for Everyone and Every Body

Let's Go Birding Together
Birding Hot Spots
Welcome to Charlotte Area Birding. You can interact with this map in several ways. Start by clicking on the icon in the upper left corner and choose what type of site you want to visit. Then when you click on an icon, it will give you information about the spot including a brief description, links to eBird checklists, a trail map (if available). The additional directions link will take you to another Google map that will allow you to get directions. The direction are to the access areas for the spot.
If you want to see the map in full screen click on the expand icon in the upper right corner of the map.
More information about birding in the Charlotte region below the map.
Greenways/Nature Preserves
Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Park and Rec Department maintains an extension greenway system with almost 68-miles of paved trails. All of the greenways have good habitat for birds because they have been built in and along creek flood plains. Not all of the greenways have been included in the map above, only those most frequently used for MAS bird walks are included. Those greenways associated with parks will have nearby bathroom facilities, the rest do not have facilities. Complete list of greenways.
The Department also manages 26 nature preserves, many of which have no facilities and/or no formal trails at this time. The 79-miles of trails are natural and vary greatly in terrain. Four the preserves have nature centers and provide educational programming. Complete list of the nature preserves and locations.

Path adjacent to the beaver pond at McAlpine Creek Park.

View of Mallard Creek from one of its bridges.

View of wetland area on McMullen Creek Greenway.

Path adjacent to the beaver pond at McAlpine Creek Park.

The Carolina Thread Trail
The Carolina Thread Trail is a regional network of greenways, trails and blueways that encompasses fifteen counties and two states. There are 217 miles of trails open to the public, many of which provide suitable bird habitat and are conducive to birding. Many of our local birds walks are along these trails.
Birding Around the Carolinas
Triangle Birder's Guide (Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill area)
Finding Birds in Guilford County (Greensboro area)
Birding the Low Country (Charleston, SC)