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Mecklenburg Audubon Society
Charlotte, NC Metro Area
Birding is for Everyone and Every Body

Join the Flock
Renewing your Local MAS Membership?
To renew your local Mecklenburg Audubon Society (MAS) membership, complete our online membership form and then pay the dues using the PayPal button. You do not need to have a PayPal account. Ignore the Login button and click on the one that says Pay with Debit or Credit Card.
If you prefer to renew by mail, download our membership form and mail it with your check to Treasurer, Mecklenburg Audubon, P.O. Box 221093, Charlotte, NC 28222.

What is a Local MAS Membership?
Mecklenburg Audubon is a local chapter of National Audubon. Although they do share some of their membership funds with local chapters like ours, it is a small part of our annual budget. Local membership dues help defray the cost of our meeting room, speakers, website, education projects and local conservation efforts. As a local member, you will receive our monthly newsletter directly via email along with other announcements related to local Mecklenburg Audubon activities.
You don’t need to be a National Audubon member to be a local Mecklenburg Audubon. Our individual memberships are $10 and family memberships are $15. They run from July 1 through June 30. To join complete our online membership form and then pay the dues using the PayPal. You do not need to have a PayPal account. Ignore the Login button and click on the one that says Pay with Debit or Credit Card.
If you prefer to join by mail, download our membership form and mail it with your check to Treasurer, Mecklenburg Audubon, P.O. Box 221093, Charlotte, NC 28222.
Already a National Audubon Member?

As a National Audubon member, you are automatically a member of Mecklenburg Audubon. If you are not receiving our monthly newsletter directly, it is because we do not have a current email address for you. Please complete the local online membership form, and we will add you to our mailing list. Although as a national member you are automatically a member of the local chapter, becoming a local member as well will help defray our local expenses [see information above].
Want to renew or become a National Audubon Member?
If you are interested in becoming a member of National Audubon, please visit their Membership Page. If asked, please use the code R50 to ensure some of the membership fee will come to the Mecklenburg Audubon chapter.